Host Toolkit

how to plan your event

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On April 5, national and local organizations are coming together across the country to organize for Hands Off!, a national mass activation in defiance of the Trump-Musk billionaire takeover and the Republican assault on our freedoms and our communities. Hands Off! is an all-in moment for the pro-democracy, pro-worker movement—a demand, a warning, and a rallying cry that responds to the primary reasons for our mobilization:

  1. Trump and Musk are attempting an illegal power grab is a crisis we must stop.

  2. Trump, Musk, and congressional Republicans are gutting services, raising prices, and racing towards slashing Medicaid, Social Security, and more.

  3. Trump, Musk, and congressional Republicans are on this path of destruction for the benefit of their billionaire allies.

Whether you are mobilized by the attacks on our democracy, the slashing of jobs, the invasion of privacy, or the assault on our services—this moment is for you. We are setting out to build a massive, visible, national rejection of this crisis. On April 5, we will host events across the country, in major cities and small towns in every state. Our goal is to show that the people—the majority—are taking action to stop the corruption and power grab.

why we’re mobilizing on April 5th

🔥We are facing a national crisis. Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has launched an unprecedented power grab—driving up prices, slashing funding for essential programs, and creating instability at every turn. Enabled by Elon Musk and Republicans in Congress, his corrupt agenda is making life harder for everyday Americans while eroding our democracy. We can’t afford to wait any longer to fight back

🐷 They think everything belongs to them. Trump and his allies are rapidly stripping America for parts and selling us out—and now Congress is trying to do the same by slashing Medicaid, Social Security, cancer research funding, and more. Why? To give more tax cuts to billionaires.

💸 But the services and jobs they’re slashing aren’t theirs—they’re ours. Our communities are paying the price while the Trumps and Musks of the world cash in. It’s not just about money—it’s about power. his administration is targeting everybody who isn’t part of the 1%—veterans, kids, seniors, farmers, immigrants, transgender people, and political opponents. All to consolidate power and reward their allies.

The lawlessness, cruelty, and corruption has gone too far. On April 5, we unite to say: Hands Off!

  • Hands Off Our Democracy!

  • Hands Off Our Health Care!

  • Hands Off Social Security!

  • Hands Off Our Data!

  • Hands Off Public Schools!

  • Hands Off Our Bodies!

  • Hands Off Our Wallets!

  • Hands Off Public Lands!

Whether you're outraged by skyrocketing healthcare costs, job cuts, attacks on privacy, or the gutting of essential services—this moment is for you. Whether you've been in the fight for years or you're just fed up and ready to take action—this moment is for you.

🛑 We need to build a massive, visible, national rejection of this crisis. On April 5, we will host events across the country, in major cities and small towns in every state. Our goal is to show that the people—the majority—are taking action to stop the corruption and power grab. 

💪 The power is in your hands. Join us. If there’s a mobilization in your area, sign up to attend. If not, use this toolkit to host your own in your area.

Our Demands

  1. We demand an end to the billionaire takeover and rampant corruption of the Trump administration.

  2. We demand an end to slashing federal funds for Medicaid, Social Security, and other programs working people rely on.

  3. We demand an end to the attacks on immigrants, trans people, and other communities.

Register your April 5th event

Hosting Your Own Hands Off! Mobilization

If there’s not already a registered Hands Off! event in your local area, the power is in your hands to host your own. This toolkit is for anyone hosting their own Hands Off! mobilization to help you build your event, recruit, and execute. Be sure to check the map before registering your event so you’re not overlapping with another that’s already been planned! 

Hosting a Hands Off! event is a big opportunity, and a big responsibility. If you sign up to host, you’ll get plenty of support from the Hands Off! team, and be the primary point of contact for anyone in your area who is interested in participating. Only sign up to host if you (and a team of your friends and allies) are ready to drive the event from start to finish. 

If You’re Near a Registered Hands Off! Event

If you’re in an area where a Hands Off! event has already been planned, that’s great! Rather than hosting your own, get some friends and allies together to join that event and represent the issues you care most about. The goal is to have as many large events as possible, and to fill in the gaps with smaller mobilizations where larger ones aren’t possible.

We encourage interested participants to join larger anchor city events where possible, and connect with organizers of pre-registered events instead of setting up your own. If you want to be connected with a host for an event, reach out to

Hands Off! Mobilization Tactics

On April 5, we will host demonstrations across the country to fight back against this crisis and demand accountability. Not all demonstrations will look the same, but they should all prioritize visibility and the core message: Hands Off!

  • March. Join thousands across the country on April 5 to march  against the Trump-Musk Coup and billionaire takeover. Bring together your community to create a show of strength against this crisis, and be part of a national moment that changes the conversation—and turns the tide.

  • Rally. Gather your community to rally together on April 5. Create a platform, invite speakers, and build a program designed to highlight the harms of the crisis we face—and what we’ll do to fight back. Rallies are a great way to involve impacted people, compelling speakers, and essential voices from allied communities. We’re building a big tent. 

  • Protest. If you’re in an area where it will be hard to get a crowd together, you can still participate! Either join a larger event in your region, or get some friends together and hold a smaller one. This could look like a gathering at congressional district office, or a banner drop. Visibility is the key component—so make your signs, get your banners, and plan your chants!

A core principle behind all Hands Off! events is a commitment to nonviolent action. We expect all hosts and participants to seek to de-escalate any potential confrontation with those who disagree with our values.

Host Resources

  • A key component of success for your event is a clear, direct message. Hands Off! is a rejection of the corruption, lawlessness, and predatory politics of the Trump-Musk administration. Your speakers and visuals should all reflect this. Some of the key messages to communicate are:

    • These Are Our Services, Our Jobs, Our Dollars: Everyone deserves good jobs, reliable services, and a fair economy—but Trump, Musk, and their billionaire buddies are destroying livelihoods, gutting public resources, and driving up costs just to pad their own pockets.

    • They’re Coming For All of Us: No matter what issues matter to you, you have a dog in this fight. The things you hold precious are absolutely on the chopping block for Trump, Musk, and congressional Republicans.

    • We Have The Power: This fight is just beginning, and we’re mobilizing to jumpstart the opposition. Together, we have the power to stop this takeover.

    • This Cannot Be Business As Usual: We are facing an unconstitutional threat to our country and our freedoms through an illegal power grab. Now is the time to make our voices heard and demand our lawmakers to use their power to hold Trump and Musk accountable.

  • Are you marching for Social Security? We’ve got you covered. Are you marching for democracy? We’ve got you covered. Are you marching for trans lives? We’ve got you covered. Our design team has created an incredible library of poster and sign designs for Hands Off! events. 

    You can download the signs and print them at home or take them to a local printer. Want to make your own signs? Try out these messages:

    • Hands Off [insert topic]!

    • Stop the Shakedown!

    • We are Not For Sale!

    • No Kings! 

  • Event hosts are encouraged to attend an upcoming safety and de-escalation training to learn more about how to integrate best practices into your event. Keep an eye on your inbox for an invite!

    Wherever you are, and whatever your level of concern, this is a great opportunity to learn about security best practices to consider for every event, to help ensure your event is as safe and welcoming as possible for all attendees. 

    Check out Indivisible's Safety, Security, Rights & Conflict De-escalation resource, or watch MoveOn’s video on de-escalation and disruptions. In addition to these resources, review and share the ACLU’s Know Your Rights resource, and join the safety and de-escalation training for hosts (registration coming soon)!

  • As a host, you’re not alone! Hands Off! organizers are here to help. Keep an eye out for these upcoming training and resource opportunities:

    • Host training call

    • Host support office hours

    • Safety and security training

    • Messaging materials

    • Promotional materials

    If you have questions, email

Planning your Hands Off! Event

As we approach April 5, it will be important to get your plans together so you can host a successful event. There’s a lot that goes into planning a demonstration, and below are just some of the key steps to follow when laying out your Hands Off! event.

  • It is also a best practice to check in with group members and potential speakers to see what’s most convenient before finalizing a time. As always, consider what times will be most accessible for folks in your community. Most Hands Off! events will take place midday.

  • This is the next choice point for your group. Try to prioritize landmarks or other public sites with high visibility, like state capitols or city halls, major parks, or other high-traffic outdoor areas in your community. 

  • Once you have your event set, register it on Mobilize, and it will show up on the Hands Off! map of events. That way, we can help promote your event and recruit attendees. 

  • If you’re holding a rally, you’ll need compelling speakers to anchor the agenda. Aim to lock in 2-4 speakers who can talk authentically about the crisis we face. Examples include:

    • Laid off federal workers, like National Parks rangers or veterans

    • Faith leaders

    • People who rely on Medicaid or other threatened services

    • Elected officials

    These are just a few potential examples, but ideal speakers will be reflective of your community and be able to speak directly to the harms of this crisis from a local perspective.

    • Media liaison: Press outreach is most effectively handled by one person who can respond to requests and make connections with speakers. 

    • Master of Ceremony (MC): Identify at least 1 group member to be responsible for firing up the crowd, introducing speakers, starting chants, and making sure the overall program is running on time. 

    • Speakers & Storytellers: Speakers should be compelling and be able to speak directly to the harms of the crisis we face. Examples of speakers include impacted federal workers, faith leaders, elected officials—but be creative and thoughtful about whose voices you want to elevate.

    • Photographer and videographer: Ask one person to take photos and one person to take video. Got something really special and visual planned? Think about hiring a professional photographer.

  • Before the Event:

    • Gather the people who have key roles: (MC, speakers, etc.). Bring snacks and water, transport signs, test any technology, ready any individual accessibility accommodations that have been requested, etc.

    • Immediately before the event: The media liaison greets local press and gives reporters a press packet.

    During the Event:

    • Kick-off the event: The MC starts some chants, and welcomes the crowd. They explain the purpose of the event and introduce the first speaker. 

    • Speakers: Each speaker talks for a few minutes about the crisis we face and the importance of fighting back and saying “Hands Off!”.

    • Close: The MC closes the event by thanking everyone for coming, clearly reiterating our asks, and finishing out strong with some chants.

    After the Event:

    • Immediately after the event: Post your stories, pictures, and videos online with #HandsOff.

    • Shortly after the event: Email your attendees to thank them for a great action. Immediate follow up is important for recruitment and group longevity! Invite all attendees and activists to your next event. If you don’t have an event on the books, make sure to send them an email anyway to see if any of the attendees would like to learn more about your group over coffee or simply to let them know to look out for your upcoming emails.

  • After posting your event to Mobilize, be sure to share it with your networks, both directly and on social media. Reach out to other people in your network and ask them to share, and think about creative ways to get the word out about your event—including local bulletin boards, flyers, and more.

  • At the very least, you need a megaphone and a few signs with your demands. If it’s available to you, it is also helpful to have a podium, press packets, water, and banners. As a registered host, keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities for resource support from the Hands Off! team.

Getting Media Attention

Getting media attention is fundamental for this event. This section will guide you step by step on engaging the press and generating earned media for your events. While getting press to show up and cover your event is never a sure thing, these are best practices that will increase your chances.

For information on how to build any of the resources in this guide, check out Indivisible’s resource on Press Releases, Media Advisories, and More.

  • A media list is exactly what it sounds like; a list of reporters and media outlets in your area that you want to tell about your event. To get started, list all the newspapers, radio, and TV news stations you already know of, and then look on their websites for contact information. You’re usually looking for a “newsroom” email and phone number, often listed in the “contact us” menu on their website.

  • Giving reporters a heads up about your event early before you send an advisory is an effective way to start building a relationship with them and get more media out to your events and to cover your group’s work. These emails are short and simple with fewer details than advisories. If you’re a few days out from your event or closer, skip this step and focus on sending your advisories.

  • The next step is to let the media know about your event. Advisories are emails you send to reporters and outlets on your media list with details about the event. The format generally breaks down what the event is about, the date, time, and location and who the spokespeople are.

  • When the press attends an event, they’ll likely want to speak one-on-one with people there. So first, identify 1-3 people who will be ready to speak with reporters and help them prepare what they want to say. They should be ready to talk about your group, the event, why we’re mobilizing for Hands Off!. The best practice is to stay close to your overall message, keep it concise, and have a few quotes ready to go (which you can also use in your press release).

  • Once the event has started, focus on running the best event you can! If reporters come, connect them with one of your prepped spokespeople.

  • A press release is a communication, usually via email and no longer than about one page, that gives a reporter some of the basics they’d need to write a story about something: background about what’s happening, quotes from relevant people, and contact information they can use to find out more. The best practice is to send these as soon after your event as possible.